- System Developers: ExplainaBoard provides more detailed information regarding the submitted systems (e.g. fine-grained results, confidence intervals), allowing system developers to diagnose successes and failures of their own systems, or compare their systems with baselines and understand where improvements of their proposed methods come from. Additionally, ExplainaBoard can help system developers uncover their systems’ advantages over others, even when these systems have not achieved state-of-the-art performance holistically.
- Leaderboard Organizers: The ExplainaBoard software both provides a ready made platform for easy leaderboard development over different NLP tasks, and helps upgrade traditional leaderboards to allow for more fine-grained analysis.
- Junior Researchers: ExplainaBoard can help junior researchers get a broad sense of what current state-of-the-art models can and cannot do. This not only helps them quickly track the progress of different areas, but also can allow them to understand the relative advantages of diverse systems, suggesting insightful ideas for what’s left and what’s next.
Yes. To motivate more future research on system's output, we plan to release all system outputs with
authors' permission. You can download them here (will release soon).
We are happy to help out, feel free to contact us by [email protected].
You can submit you system outputs through this google form.
Regarding the format of output files, you can refer to some samples we have provided in Github-Format .
The usage of ExplainBoard is quite simple and intuitive. You just need to (i) select your interested models (rows), (ii)
and then choose different analysis buttons (e.g., Single-system Analysis). We will upload a video for demonstration.
Thanks a lot for this. Feel free to let us to know in one of following ways:
- (i) Set up an issue in our Github
- (ii) Email us: [email protected]